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Tag Archives: Flickr

My New Business Flickr

Hi there!  Long time, no write.  😀  I haven’t really had anything new to post, since I’ve mostly just been focusing on my health and PTSD therapy, especially since I separated out my gaming into an individual blog.  I have, however, finally had the light bulb moment that I could create another Flickr account to work as a visual portfolio of products I have made.  Once I am ever able to start working on products again and then update the website accordingly, I’ll be able to display examples of other products that I have made that I am not featuring on the website.  This allows customers to get an idea of ideas, options, and skills I have for custom orders.  I added a convenient little widget (display link) in my sidebar, but wanted to post it in an actual blog post for your convenience, in case you’d like to follow the portfolio.  I’ll include work-in-progress concepts there (WIPs), so you’ll get a little bit more of a behind-the-scenes look than I typically post on the site and often don’t blog.  (I tend to prefer to blog when something is actually done or I’ve fully fleshed out an idea.)  If you’d like to check it out or follow my business Flickr, it is  I made it a hyperlink that opens on a new page and you have the option to copy/paste instead, if you prefer.

Until I next have something interesting to write about, happy pampering and best wishes! 🙂

My First Blogger Box

Gaming Logo


As I mentioned before, I’ve been using Second Life photography as a creative outlet as part of my recommended PTSD therapy.  I am slowly getting better with editing, staging shoots, and uploading to Flickr.  It actually had a secondary benefit recently!  One of my favorite pose designers, ~X.T.C PoSes~, sent me a blogger’s box of poses they’ll be selling at The Chapter Four event in SL tomorrow, March 4th, for the ten days that it is open.  It included a whole set of female poses, the Sweet as Candy set, and one couples pose, Peaceful Silence.  It was totally unexpected and incredibly exciting, so I rushed out into the Grid to get creative.  After a ton of pictures, I finally picked ones taken at our recently renovated home/landscape and Backdrop City, and dragged Luke into most of them to make little scenes.  I’m really proud of my first “professional” set of SL pictures and my editing, so I decided to blog them instead of just adding to Flickr.  If you’re on SL, I’d definitely recommended checking out the company and consider joining the group.  Their bento poses work with very little adjustment, even with Bre in a Maitreya body and Luke in Signature’s Gianni.  If you’d like to look at the photostream, please check out my Flickr at  And yes, I have been in a bit of a Boho vibe and am totally obsessed with my Celtic and Elven combo body tattoo I bought at an event recently.  *laugh*


XTC Sweet as Candy_004


XTC Sweet as Candy_011


XTC Sweet as Candy_016


XTC Sweet as Candy1_001


XTC Sweet as Candy1_002


The above were all taken at home.  They are poses 3, 5, 4, 1, and 2, respectively.  (Note, the 4th pose has two hand positions and this is the first, and is also my favorite shot out of these *smile*.)


XTC Sweet as Candy1_006b


XTC Sweet as Candy1_017


XTC Sweet as Candy1_033

These were taken at Backdrop City and thankfully I could drag Luke along to up the ante of the sweet poses.  They are poses 5, 3, and a second take on pose 3, respectively.


XTC Sweet as Candy1_047b

This is the couples pose, Peaceful Silence, that we took at home.  Note that they are poseballs, so it was super easy to move them into place over the lounger, so the limbs could hang over.  I wasn’t so sure how to set the scene for this one, so I titled it as requesting at least a five minute massage please.  *laugh*  The exhausted look to the pose seemed to call for the dark windlight and filter.


All in all I had an absolute blast and was so honored to get to do this, especially when it’s so therapeutic for me, as well.  It’s also a huge bonus to save money from buying more poses, so I can spend it on props for setting some scenes.  It’s a way cheaper version of retail therapy and we all know I can use whatever therapy I can get right now.  *cracking up*  I hope you enjoy seeing some of my recent creative efforts and wish you a wonderful week! 🙂

I’m Getting More Techy

Gaming Logo


Well, I finally did it.  I uploaded SL pictures to my Flickr account.  Although I started it years ago, so I could look at vendor posts and lately SL photographer pictures, I decided that it was silly that I have a ton of SL pics in my computer that I don’t share.  I know only a small portion of you are following for the SL side of my life, and I absolutely love sharing it, but wanted to give you the option to check out the tons of pics I don’t post on my blog.


So, look to the right and see my dandy little new Flickr widget!  *grin* I didn’t know if more than two would be distracting and bog down users, but I thought that was more reasonable.  If it sits on a bloody Harley Quinn picture if I did a single picture, that might disturb some people.  *laugh*  I am disturbed, but try to limit showing it on here except for the occasional slip ups.


I’m super excited to be uploading pictures to albums in Flickr and finding another outlet for my creativity.  I’ve really gotten into SL photography lately, although I have a lot to learn.  It’s been really enjoyable during a time when I’m restless and have little interests in my usual activities.  Anyway, if you haven’t noticed it and are interested, there are around a hundred loaded so far with a lot more to come soon, once I dig them out of my archives.  *grin*  I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful day!